Faculty and Staff
Dr. Gary Kowaluk
Department Head
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
206A Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5121
E: KowalukG@LincolnU.edu
Delmarius Davis
Academic Program Support Specialist
206B Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5145
E: DavisD2@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Michael Bardot
Professor of History
410 Martin Luther King Hall
P: 573-681-5221
E: BardotM@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Amber Bell
Assistant Professor of Social Work
11 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5195
E: BellA@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Christine Boston
Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology
13 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-6193
E: BostonC@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Elizabeth Dorssom
Assistant Professor of Political Science
415 Martin Luther King, Jr. Hall
P: 573-681-5166
E: DorssomE@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Amy Gossett
Professor of Political Science
127 Page Library
P: 573-681-5220
E: GossettA@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Thomas Gubbels
Professor of History
414 Martin Luther King Hall
P: 573-681-5258
E: GubbelsT@LincolnU.edu
Melvin Herrington, J.D.
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
316 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5059
E: HerringtonM@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Olivia Hetzler
Associate Professor of Sociology
14 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5229
E: HetzlerO@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Brian Norris
Associate Professor of Political Science
411 Martin Luther King Hall
P: 573-681-5119
E: NorrisB@LincolnU.edu
Andrea Reynolds, LCSW
Assistant Professor of Social Work
12 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5219
E: ReynoldsA@LincolnU.edu
Andrew Sartorius, JD
Assistant Professor of Political Science and Criminal Justice
313 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5210
E: SartoriusA@LincolnU.edu
Joseph Steenbergen, MS
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
314 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5149
E: SteenbergenJ@LincolnU.edu
Dr. Sharon Squires
Professor of Sociology
Remote Office
E: SquiresS@LincolnU.edu
Ché Wilson, MA
Assistant Professor of Social Work
15 Founders Hall
P: 573-681-5225
E: WilsonC@LincolnU.edu