City Colleges of Chicago

Lincoln University of Missouri (LU) is partnering with Chicago Community College (CCC) as a guaranteed admission partner. Through the Guaranteed Admission Program, you will be enrolled as a student at both LU and CCC and then may transfer to LU after meeting certain criteria, including specific coursework and a minimum number of transferable credit hours.
If you meet the requirements and receive admission into the program, you will also receive the Lincoln Connection Scholarship, which affords you in-state tuition.
At Lincoln and CCC, education is within reach! At Lincoln, you will find power in together — where the people walking beside you, those who came before, and those leading the way are all here for your success. One of a select group of HBCUs in the nation, Lincoln offers flat-rate tuition, plus merit and need-based scholarships, to help transfer students find success and achieve their dreams.
- Students who successfully complete an Associate in Arts (A.A.), an Associate in Science (A.S.), or the General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) for the state of Illinois and an Associate in General Studies (A.G.S.) degree from CCC will automatically transfer to Lincoln University with their general education courses completed. Students seeking to enter the college of their major upon transfer must meet all academic requirements for the college.
- Students who complete an A.A., A.S., or A.G.S are not required to fulfill the University Seminar Requirement at Lincoln University.
- This requirement is waived for students transferring with 30 or more semester hours.
- Students are required to complete the Computer Skills requirement and can fulfill this requirement at CCC or Lincoln University.
- CCC students must obtain and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA with no grade lower than a "C" in all 100-level courses in order for credits to be accepted for transfer. Transfer students whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 may be admitted to Lincoln University on a probationary basis at the university’s discretion. The highest grade of any repeated course work will be calculated in the cumulative GPA.
- In collaboration with CCC, Lincoln University will also participate in reverse transfer to provide opportunities for students who have enrolled at Lincoln University as transfer students from CCC to transfer their earned Lincoln University credits back to CCC to complete their Associates Degree. Lincoln University and CCC will identify students eligible for reverse transfer to take advantage of this opportunity. Reverse transfer will ensure that qualifying students will have the credential of an Associate Degree to leverage for employment while they pursue further education.
CCC students who transfer to Lincoln will receive in-state tuition! Students must maintain full-time enrollment and a minimum 2.0 GPA while enrolled at Lincoln to receive in-state tuition.
Housing scholarships are also available. CCC students who complete an associate's degree and have a 3.5 or higher GPA may receive a Star Scholarship for $500 per semester for housing. Five Star Scholarships will be awarded per semester.
Contact the LU Office of Student Financial Services at 573-681-6156 or for more information on tuition, scholarships and financial aid opportunities.
- All eligible CCC students participating in the transfer program will receive the following benefits from Lincoln University:
- Guaranteed admissions
- Junior standing upon transfer (requires a minimum of 60 semester credit hours)
- Priority Housing Registration for all admitted transfer students
- Early advising and orientation programs, designed exclusively for transfer students
- Automatic consideration for admission to Honors Programs for all students who meet the minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 and maintain full-time status (12 credit hours per semester)
- Automatic waiver of the Lincoln University Admissions application fee
- In-state tuition based upon the student's continuing meeting of requirements
- Housing scholarships
- To ensure that CCC students receive the most up-to-date and tailored advising on transfer opportunities, Lincoln University will dedicate a transfer pre-enrollment counselor to CCC students who is able to provide transfer services to students in the partnership. For more information, please contact or call 573-618-5599.
- Apply to Lincoln University (students who participate in the Guaranteed Admissions program will automatically have the Lincoln University Admissions application fee waived)
- Request official transcripts from CCC and other educational institutions you have attended.
Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
Young Hall Room B-7
P: 573-681-5599
Transfer Centers
Ready to get started?
Contact Us
Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions
Young Hall Room B-7
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-681-5599
Fax: 573-681-5889
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.