How To Get Help

campus memorial

If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911, 5555 (on campus phone), or 573-681-5555 immediately for law enforcement or medical assistance.

The first priority of a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence is to get to a place of safety, then to obtain necessary medical attention as soon as possible.


Although Lincoln University strongly advocates that a victim of sexual harassment report the incident to the Lincoln University Police Department in a timely manner, it is that individuals choice to make such a report and they have a right to decline involvement with the police.

The victim of a sexual harassment may choose for the investigation to be pursued through the criminal justice system, the university system, both criminal and university system, or not to report at all.  Victims also have the option of contacting the Title IX Coordinator or other Officials With Authority (OWA) or campus security authorities (CSA)'s to discuss reporting options.  One of these university representatives will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision.  A victim may also choose to speak confidentially to the Lincoln University Counselor located at the Thompkins Health Center.

As time passes, evidence may dissipate or become lost or unavailable, thereby making investigation, possible prosecution, disciplinary proceedings, or obtaining orders of protection related to the incident more difficult.  If a victim chooses not to make a complaint regarding and incident, he or she nevertheless should consider speaking with the Lincoln University Police Department or other law enforcement agency to preserve evidence in the event that the victim changes his or her mind at a later date.

Medical Treatment

Seeking medical attention can help you in many ways. First, seeking medical attention can help you take care of your own health by checking for injuries, treating those injuries, and addressing the possibility of sexually transmitted infections.

Second, a forensic medical exam can preserve evidence of the assault. This is important even if you are currently undecided about your next steps because you may later decide to pursue criminal charges or university disciplinary charges - that evidence can help in both situations. A medical exam is not, however, required before pursuing criminal or university disciplinary charges. 

If victims do not opt for forensic evidence collection, health care providers can still treat injuries and take steps to address concerns of pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted diseases.

The following hospitals have certified ER hospital staff members that are authorized to perform medical/legal examinations.

Jefferson City Capitol Region Hospital
1125 Madison St., 
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 632.5000
Capitol Region Counseling Services

SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital
2505 Mission Dr,
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: (573) 681-3000
SSM Counseling Services

Phelps County Regional Medical Center
PCRMC Waynesville Medical Plaza
1000 GW Lane Street
Waynesville, MO 65583
Phelps County Region Counseling Services

What To Expect

In support of the University's efforts to provide an environment that is safe and free of both harassing and discriminatory behavior, Lincoln University follows up on all reports sexual harassment, sexual assault/misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, including those received from campus and community law enforcement agencies.  

Individuals who make a report to law enforcement will receive information about campus and community support resources, detailing the investigation process, and explaining individual rights.  

This information is typically provided by the first office that makes contact with the individual:

  • Women's Center
  • Male Initiative/Infantry Scholars Program
  • Counseling Services
  • Lincoln University Police Department
  • Student Conduct

Individuals may be asked to meet with one of the following offices to review this information and to solicit participation in a University investigation.  Meeting with these offices and participating in a University investigation is voluntary, however it is encouraged.  The University's ability to respond to the incident may be limited without participation from the Reporting Party.

Law Enforcement Report

Reports can be made to the following campus and local law enforcement agencies (if an incident occurs off-campus). You have to right to request assistance in notifying law enforcement authorities or requesting an order of protection in the state of Missouri.

You are not required to speak to police or to file a criminal complaint.  If you reported an incident to the University, you may be contacted by police to determine if you wish to file a criminal complaint.  If you are contacted by police, it is not required, but is highly recommended that you speak to them so you can communicate your desired outcome, even if that is to request no involvement from law enforcement.  

If an individual chooses to file a criminal complaint (press charges) the Lincoln University Police Department can conduct an investigation and file a case with the local prosecutor's office for legal proceedings.

For incidents that have occured on-campus

Lincoln University Police Department (LUPD)
Physical Address: 900 Leslie Boulevard (Lorenzo Green Hall)
E-mail Address:
Phone Number: Non-Emergency: Dial (573) 681-5555 or 5555 on campus phones.
(911 for Emegencies)
Fax Number: (573) 681-0450

For incidents that have occured off-campus in Jefferson City
Jefferson City Police Department (JCPD)
401 Monroe St, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 911 or (573) 634-6400

Ft. Wood Military Police
Phone Number: (573-596-6141 or 911)

What To Expect

In support of the University's efforts to provide an environment that is safe and free of both harassing and discriminatory behavior, Lincoln University follows up on all reports sexual harassment, sexual assault/misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, including those received from campus and community law enforcement agencies.  

Individuals who make a report to University Officials will receive information about campus and community support resources, detailing the investigation process, and explaining individual rights.  

This information is typically provided by the first office that makes contact with the individual:

  • Counseling Services
  • Lincoln University Police Department
  • Student Conduct
  • Title IX Office

Individuals may be asked to meet with one of the following offices to review this information and to solicit participation in a University investigation.  Meeting with these offices and participating in a University investigation is voluntary, however it is encouraged.  The University's ability to respond to the incident may be limited without participation from the Reporting Party.


A "responsible employee" is a University employee who has the authority to redress sexual violence, who has the duty to report incidents of sexual violence or other student misconduct, or who a student could reasonably believe has this authority or duty. Any employee (other than Professional and Pastoral Counselors) of the University who becomes aware of an act of sexual harassment (including sexual misconduct) or behavior which could be characterized as sexual harassment, when perpetrated against a member of the Lincoln University community is considered a "responsible employee" All Lincoln University Employees (other than professional counselor women's center, the Male Initiative, and their specific staff) are considered Responsible Employees). 


These employees will explain upfront that:

  1. They can keep the information private, but cannot guarantee confidentiality when they make a report.
  2. Reports given to the Title IX Coordinator will not contain information that would identify the victim or perpetrator but contain all other info (if they choose to make anonymous a.k.a John/Jane Doe report). Disclosures to these employees will not trigger a formal University investigation into an incident against the victim's wishes (however, can go through a preliminary review to determine safety for the victim and the Lincoln University community at large).
  3. Will remind victim of the option of confidential reporting.


Professional, licensed counselors and pastoral counselors who provide mental-health counseling to members of the school community (and including those who act in that role under the supervision of a licensed counselor) are not required to report any information about an incident to the Title IX coordinator without a victim's permission Professional and Pastoral Counselors are the only individuals that can offer privileged confidential reporting to a victim on Lincoln University's campus.   Lincoln University has a counselors on staff with Student Health Services located at the Thompkins Health Center that can be reached at (573) 681-5167.  The campus counselor is available during normal office hours on weekdays between 8:00am to 5:00pm (also see the counseling services section in the Victims' Rights document for additional confidential off-campus contact info). As August 2015, Lincoln University does not have any individual serving in the role of Pastoral Counselor.


Title IX Coordinators

Shawnda Hayes-Dunnell, M.S.
Title IX Coordinator
B2 Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-5495

April Robinson
Deputy Title IX Coordinator - Employees - Executive Director of Human Resources
101 Young Hall
P: 573-681-5020

Fred Holmes
Deputy Title IX Coordinator - Athletics
Associate Athletic Director for Compliance & Student Success
202 Jason Gym
P: 573-681-5953