Weather Alert Due to inclement weather, in-person classes are canceled, and campus operations will be remote on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Learn more.

Academic Dishonesty/Cheating

Academic Dishonesty/Cheating (taken from Undergraduate Student Bulletin)

The most common forms of academic dishonesty are cheating and plagiarism.  Cheating is defined as unauthorized use of any materials, aids, information of assistance in doing any work required as part of a course. Plagiarism is the attempt to pass off another 59 person's work as one's own by failing to give credit to the original source of ideas or words. Students who are found to be guilty of academic dishonesty are subject to the policies and procedures as outlined below.

Academic Dishonesty/Cheating Policy

  1. Any student guilty of cheating will be reported in writing to the department head and the dean of the college of the course involved and to the department head and the dean of the college in the student's major. 
  2. Any student found guilty of cheating may receive, at the discretion of the instructor, a failing grade in the course. 
  3. Disciplinary action for cheating may include suspension for one or more semesters, exclusion from selected programs of study, or permanent expulsion from the University.

Procedures for implementing Policies 1 and 3 (when action is recommended) shall be the responsibility of the appropriate academic unit.   All students accused of cheating have the right of appeal through normal channels.