
Criminal Justice B.S.
Lincoln University offers a Bachelor of Science major in Criminal Justice Administration with possible emphasis in Law Enforcement, Corrections, Research, or Courts.
Major: B.S. in Criminal Justice Administration with a general emphasis:
A minimum grade of ―C‖ in CJ 201, CJ 211, CJ 310, CJ 320, CJ 330, CJ 340, and SOC 405; 21 hours from any other CJ, LE or COR course; or HIS 415, PSC 310, PSC 430, PSY 404, SOC 303, SOC 402, SOC 403, and SOC 406. In addition, the student must complete with a minimum grade of ―C‖ 3 hours from any ethnic perspective course including ANT 311, ANT 411, BS 200, HIS 203, HIS 402, HIS 403, MUS 205, PHI 208, PSC 350, SOC 302, or SOC 306; and 3 hours of any 400-level behavioral elective not previously completed, from the disciplines of psychology, political science, sociology, anthropology, or economics.
- Law Enforcement emphasis include LE 410, LE 420, LE 430, and CJ 421; LE 450 and LE 451 or CJ 460; and 6 hours from CJ 308, CJ 351, CJ 475, CJ 480, CJ 485, HIS 415, PSC 310, PSC 430, PSY 404, SOC 303, SOC 402, SOC 403, and SOC 406.
- Corrections emphasis include COR 415,COR 425, and COR 435; COR 455 and COR 456 or CJ 460; SW 401 or SW 402; and 6 hours from CJ 308, CJ 351, CJ 421, CJ 475, CJ 480, CJ 485, SW 201, SW 301, HIS 415, SOC 303, SOC 402, SOC 403, SOC 406, PSC 310, and PSY 404.
- Research emphasis, include SS 451, SS 452, HIS 485, and CJ 485; PSY 208, SOC 415 or SOC 453; and 6 hours from CJ 351, PSC 420, PSC 440, PSC 450, HIS 476, ANT 410, SOC 401 and SOC 404.
For a Courts emphasis include PSC 430, CJ 475, SOC 406, PSC 310, BAD 275 or BAD 412, and CJ 308 or PHI 304; and 6 hours from CJ 351, CJ 480, CJ 485, HIS 415, PSY 404, SOC 303, SOC 402, and SOC 403.
It is strongly recommended that all Criminal Justice majors consider a minor in another area of at least 18 hours.
Criminal Justice A.A.
Lincoln University offers an an Associate of Arts (A.A.) with a major in Criminal Justice Administration.
Required courses include the following with a minimum grade of "C" in CJ 201, 211, 310, 320, 330, and 340; SOC 405. Additional requirements include 3 hours of ethnic perspective. Ethnic perspective courses include CJ 351, HIS 203, 402, 403, PSC 350, SOC 302, and 306.
Criminal Justice Minor
Lincoln University offers a minor in Criminal Justice Administration.
Required courses include the following with a minimum grade of "C" in CJ 201, 211, 310, 320, 330, 340 and SOC 405. Additional requirements include 3 hours of ethnic perspective. Ethnic perspective courses include CJ 351, HIS 203, 402, 403, PSC 350, SOC 302, and 306.
Course Descriptions
Some prerequisites are required; may be taken in any order.
CJ 111 INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM (3, fa). Survey of philosophies, operations and interrelationships among various components of the criminal justice system in the United States and abroad.
CJ 204 INTRODUCTION TO POLICING PRACTICES (3, sp). History and philosophy of law enforcement; functions and responsibilities of law enforcement, peace keeping, and crime prevention entities.
CJ 208 INTRODUCTION TO CORRECTIONS PRACTICES (3, sp). Explores the correctional process; historical development and theoretical foundations; as well as the development of contemporary philosophies and practices.
CJ 320 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (3, sp). Criminal law and procedures, legal process, constitutional limitations, legal restraints, and jurisdictional problems.
CJ 340 THE AMERICAN COURT SYSTEM (3, sp). Development of criminal and civil court, roles of judge, prosecutor, jury, and defense attorney; trial process; victim and other contemporary issues.
CJ 345 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3, sp). This course examines issues in contemporary policing in America. Students will apply critical thinking and research skills and prepare research papers on contemporary policing topics.
CJ 351 ETHNICITY IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3, fa). Examines the role of race and ethnicity in the criminal justice system. (For BLS purposes, course may be used as a capstone course). Prerequisites: 12 hours of Criminal Justice (CJ).
CJ 390 THEORIES OF CRIME (3, fa). Study of criminal punishment and behavior through contemporary theories; study of emerging crimes including; terrorism, cybercrimes and violence against women.
CJ 410 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE (3, sp). Regulations, procedures, management, practice, and philosophy of police and correctional administrations.
CJ 411 ETHICS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE (3, sp). Examination of the history of ethics and the approaches to moral decision making in criminal justice agencies. Issues explored include: morality, ethical decisions, corruption, police in an unethical society, ethics and corrections, judicial ethics,
professional codes of ethic, and investigative methods. Prerequisites: 12 hours of Criminal Justice (CJ).
CJ 475 CRIMINAL LAW (3, fa). Legal definition of crime and defense; substantive criminal law, historical foundations; legal briefs and case study approach employed. Prerequisite: 9 hours of Criminal Justice coursework; and CJ 320.
CJ 485 CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESEARCH METHODS/STATISTICS (3, fa). Students practice the fundamental principles of research, including empiricism, objectivity, and research design. They are then taught how to apply those principles to the field of Criminal Justice by designing a research project which collects and analyzes data and presents research results in an APA format. Introduction to bibliography, scholarly methods, and critical evaluation of criminal justice research are also explored. Prerequisites: MAT 117, CJ 111, CJ 204, and CJ 208.
CJ 420 CRIMINAL EVIDENCE AND PROCEDURES (3, fa). Exploration of due process issues including: law of arrest, searches and seizures, rules of evidence, interrogations and confessions, and current developments.
CJ 421 CRIME ANALYSIS (3, sp). Explores contemporary crime analysis, criminal intelligence analysis, and geographic profiling, and merges analytical investigative techniques using software e.g., Analyst Notebook™. Prerequisites: CS 103 or higher and 9 hours of Criminal Justice (CJ) coursework.
CJ 447 JUVENILE JUSTICE (3, fa). Emerging Issues in the field of criminal justice. This course traces historical development of juvenile delinquencies. Emphasis placed on juvenile justice system.
CJ 450 INTERNSHIP IN LAW ENFORCEMENT (3, fa, sp, su). Field internship in a law enforcement agency of no less than 40 hours per week for four weeks or 20 hours per week for 8 weeks. Can be repeated once. Co- requisite: CJ 451. Prerequisite: Student must be a junior or senior in good standing.
CJ 450 INTERNSHIP IN LAW ENFORCEMENT (3, fa, sp, su). Field internship in a law enforcement agency of no less than 40 hours per week for four weeks or 20 hours per week for 8 weeks. Can be repeated once. Co- requisite: CJ 451. Prerequisite: Student must be a junior or senior in good standing.
CJ 451 SEMINAR IN LAW ENFORCEMENT (3, fa, sp, su). Required seminar during which various aspects specific to the internship, duties, job requirements, application process, and expectations are discussed in a classroom setting. Can be repeated once. Above cannot be taken separately.
Co-requisite: CJ 450. Prerequisite: Student must be a junior or senior in good standing.
CJ 460 PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR (6, sp, su). For the full-time criminal justice professional only, equivalent experience as gained in the internship with journals, papers, and regular seminar.
CJ 462 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PRACTICUM (6, sp, su). Field internship in a criminal justice agency of no less than 160 hours in the semester enrolled. Activity journal and experience paper required. Can be repeated once. Prerequisites: 12 hours of Criminal Justice (CJ), Law Enforcement (LE), or Corrections (COR) coursework.
CJ 465 PROBATION and COMMUNITY CORRECTION (3, sp). Role of probation and parole in correctional process and relationship with other elements of the community, faith, privatization and other alternatives.
CJ 480 FORENSICS (3, fa). Crime scene investigation and management; evidence collection and evaluation techniques; crime scene sketching; crime scene reconstruction; case analysis, documentation and report writing. Prerequisite: 9 hours of Criminal Justice Coursework, and CJ 204 or CJ 208.
CJ 490/ DIRECTED STUDY (1-3). Independent research. Prerequisite: 492 Consent of instructor and department head.
CJ 495/ SPECIAL SUBJECTS (1-3). Subject relevant to the field of criminal justice, 498 criminal law, courts, or corrections. Subject to be listed in course schedule. May enroll again as subject changes. Prerequisites: See course schedule.
SOC 405 CRIMINOLOGY (3, fa). survey of classical and contemporary theories of criminal behavior, sources of crime, type of crime, including (but not limited to) property crime, violent crime, computer crime, corporate crime and political crime. Prerequisites: SA 201 or SA 151H or SA 202 or SOC 301.
SOC 406 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (3, sp). A survey of classical and contemporary theory of delinquent behavior with special emphasis on youth.
This course traces historical development of public and private institutions created to control youth offenders. Special emphasis is placed on the process of becoming delinquent, demographic characteristics of the delinquent and how youth are processed by the juvenile justice system. Prerequisite: SA 201, or SA 151H, or SA 202, or SOC301.
SOC 413 DEVIANCE AND SOCIAL CONTROL (3, sp even). Overview of the theories of deviant behavior and the social classification of deviance as a means of social control. Includes study of wide range of deviant behavior, including elite deviance and mental illness.