Request for Petty Cash
Download the Request for Petty Cash Form
Instructions for the Request for Petty Cash Form
The Request for Petty Cash Form is used for emergency purchase of goods where time and convenience do not allow for the normal purchasing process.
- Text Field - Contact Person
- Enter the full name of the University employee requesting Petty Cash or who would be able to answer questions about the request.
- Text Field - Phone #
- Enter the phone number of the employee listed as the "Contact Person" in the previous field.
- Text Field - Date of Request
- This field is populated automatically.
- Text Field - Date Needed
- Enter the date the cash is needed.
- Text Field - Department
- Enter the department of the employee listed in the "Contact Person" field.
- Text Field - Account Number
- Enter the full 16-digit general ledger account number to be charged.
- Text Field - Project/Grant Number
- Enter the project/grant number.
- Text Field - Amount Requested
- Enter the amount of the cash.
NOTE: Approved petty cash requests should not exceed $200. Lincoln University is tax-exempt and will not reimburse for sales tax.
- Enter the amount of the cash.
- Text Field - Purpose
- Enter the purpose of the cash.
- Text Field - Signatures
- Proper approval for all petty cash requests must be obtained.
Request for Petty Cash Form Processing
A completed Request for Petty Cash Form with the appropriate approval should be brought to Office of the Controller. Approved petty cash receipts and unused cash must be returned within five working days from the date of issuance of cash. Individuals will be limited to one outstanding petty cash request at a time. If you do not have a copy of Lincoln University's tax-exempt letter, you may pick one up at the Cashier's Office.