Vehicular Travel

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Vehicular Travel

Lincoln University Vehicles

Lincoln University vehicles are to be operated only by authorized Lincoln University full-time or part-time faculty and staff members who possess a valid driver's license while traveling on official University business. Unless otherwise provided by law, non-Lincoln University individuals such as volunteers, students, spouses and children shall not operate state vehicles. 

Passengers in University vehicles are limited to employees, students or guests of the University traveling on official University business. Authorized passengers who are properly licensed to drive in accordance with the provisions above are authorized to assist in the driving of a University vehicle.

Liability to other persons (bodily injury and property damage) due to employee negligence in the operation of a Lincoln University vehicle will be covered by the state provided the employee was operating the vehicle on official business within the scope of their employment.

It is the policy of Lincoln University that Lincoln University vehicles are to be used primarily for in-state business travel. For out-of-state travel, it is recommended that rental vehicles or other transportation services be used whenever feasible.Personal property in Lincoln University vehicles is not insured for loss or damage by the University. Coverage for these items may be provided by your personal homeowner, renter or private auto policy. Check your personal policy or contact your insurance agent.

Personal Vehicles

Some conditions of state employment may necessitate the use of personal vehicles for official business.

Like most employers, Lincoln University pays mileage when a personal vehicle is used for official business and authorization is approved prior to the travel. The established mileage reimbursement rate takes into consideration all costs of owning and operating a vehicle including depreciation. The reimbursement rate represents full compensation for the costs of operating your vehicle and therefore you maintain total responsibility to adequately insure, safely operate, properly maintain and protect your own vehicle.

Physical damage or loss to your private vehicle and/or its personal property contents IS NOT COVERED BY THE STATE. Coverage shall be obtained through personal auto insurance. Liability to others, including passengers, shall be covered by your private auto policy. The State Legal Expense Fund is available after ALL policies of insurance are exhausted, up to a maximum provided by law.

Most private auto policies exclude business activities. However, exclusions may vary depending on the extent of business usage. Not all policies are the same and levels of coverage differ. Refer to your policy or contact your agent for coverage specifics.

Rental Vehicles

Employees are covered by the State Legal Expense fund while driving on behalf of Lincoln University, including rental cars. This fund does not cover personal side trips.

When renting cars from a pre-approved vendor (see Purchasing's Resources pages), additional insurance does NOT need to be purchased.This applies to both in-state and out-of-state travel.

Usage of rental vehicles for personal activities is not covered by the State Legal Expense fund. Therefore you must obtain coverage with the rental company, your personal auto insurer, or arrange other means of transportation (i.e. public transportation) at your own expense. 

Visit the State of Missouri, Office of Administration for the driver's guide:

Driver's Guide

  • Safety Belts: Drivers and front seat passengers must wear a safety belt. Buckle up, it's the law.
  • 15 Passenger Vans: Due to safety issues, 15 passenger van acquisitions and/or rentals are prohibited.
  • Athletics travel: Additional policies may be in place regarding the travel of athletics teams to and from sporting events. Please contact the Director of Athletics for information regarding these policies.