Educational Specialist in Educational Leadership

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Advance Your Career with a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership: Focus on School Mental Health

The Educational Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership with a School Mental Health option is designed to better educate school leaders on identifying mental health conditions and addressing the school’s needs for services. This program covers organizational and legal issues faced by educational leaders, as well as providing training in identifying mental health issues that impact K-12 students' academic development. It also focuses on supervising staff at both the building and district levels to address these needs inclusively and effectively communicating with mental health organizations. This degree not only prepares educational leaders but also helps leaders in mental and behavioral health organizations understand the unique needs of K-12 schools and integrate their services into the public school system.

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School of Education
452 Martin Luther King Hall
812 E. Dunklin Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-5250