4-H and Positive Youth Development
Through 4-H and other outreach programs, the Youth Development program provides experiential education to underserved youth throughout the state. Programs include leadership development, obesity prevention, academic enrichment, entrepreneurship and hands-on science, technology, engineering, agriculture and mathematics (STEAM) education programs at Lincoln University Cooperative Extension sites in:
St. Louis Urban Impact Center (Eastern Missouri: St. Louis & surrounding areas)
Southeastern Missouri Outreach Centers (Sikeston, Charleston, Caruthersville & surrounding areas)
Kansas City Urban Impact Center (Western Missouri: Kansas City & surrounding areas)
For more information, contact:
State Specialist - 4H and Youth Development
Cooperative Extension
304 Allen Hall
900 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Phone: (573) 681-5523
Fax: (573) 681-5546