
Learn more about obtaining your college education with ROTC scholarships at Lincoln University of Missouri.
Army ROTC National and Campus-Based Scholarships
- Two, three and, four year scholarships options are based on the time remaining to complete your degree.
- All scholarships cover full tution (including fees).
- Must maintian a score of the Army test of record
- Qualifiy medically by the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB)
For more information on Army ROTC Scholarships, please visit:
Army ROTC Scholarships require that you:
- Be a United States Citizen
- Be between the ages of 17 and 26
- Have a high school GPA of least 2.50/ college cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher
- Have an ACT or SAT score (No minumum score required.)
- Have a high school diplomia or equivalent
- Meet physical standards
- Agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on Active Duty or the Reserve Component (Army Reserve or Army National Guard).
Green to Gold Program
The Army Green to Gold program provides options for Soldiers interested in pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree and earning a commission as an Army Officer. This program offers enlisted Soldiers several ways to a degree:
- Green to Gold Scholarship Option: Scholarships are awarded for two, three or four years.
- Green to Gold Two-Year Non-Scholarship Option: Available to Soldiers who have completed two years of college and want to complete their college degree within two years.
- Green to Gold Active Duty Option (ADO): Available to Soldiers who want to complete their degree while serving on Active Duty.
For more information on the Green to Gold Program, please visit:
LU Army ROTC Incentive Scholarship
- The two-semester scholarship is available to high school graudates interested in pursuing a commission through the LU's Army ROTC Program.
- Students must have a high school minimum GPA of 2.00
- Must take the ACT or SAT. No minimum score required.
- Must attend Military Science Course (MSC) 101 and MSC 106 in the Fall and MSC 102 and MSC 106 in the Spring
LU ROTC Room and Board Scholarship
A flat rate amount that covers a portion of the cost assciated with the residential halls and meal plan.
- Available to recipients of the LU ROTC Army ROTC Incentive Scholarship and Contracted Cadets
- Renews each semester for those in good standing
- Awarded by the Professor of Military Science
Lincoln University Army ROTC
903 Lafayette St., Soldiers Hall
Jefferson City, MO 65101