Summer Hours Through August 9, Lincoln is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and closed on Fridays. 

Policies and Procedures

campus entrance

Employee Travel

(Derived from Lincoln University Rules & Regulations Section 4.03.1)

Employees who travel on university business or for professional development must adhere to established procedures in order for travel costs to be reimbursed by the university. All travel requests and estimated travel expenses must be preapproved by the area supervisor. Invoices for travel-related expenses and registration fees billed directly to the university must be submitted to Accounts Payable through the usual requisition method at least 14 days prior to the departure date. Any Request for Check Form pertaining to the travel must also be submitted in this manner.

Reimbursable travel expenses are limited to those expenses authorized as essential. These expenses generally include transportation, lodging, meals, and registration fees. Discretion and good judgment should be used in utilizing travel funds.

To request reimbursement for travel expenses:

  • Enter a requisition in Datatel for any out-of-pocket costs not already included on another requisition.
  • The vendor of the requisition is the traveler who will be incurring the out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Include the dates of travel and destination.
  • Include an estimate of each expected cost to be incurred.
  • Include an estimate of incidental expenses, such as parking, tolls, shuttles, and cab fares, using object code 65400.

Upon return, the traveler must submit the Travel Expense Voucher (TEV), with all required receipts, no later than 30 days after the travel has ended. Failure to comply with the submission deadline may result in non-reimbursement.

NOTE: Purchase orders for single trips will be closed if no reimbursement requested within 30 days of the last date of travel.

NOTE: When charges for travel expenses are not billed directly to the university, receipts clearly denoting payment by cash or by personal credit card are required. Such receipts must be attached to the TEV.

All requests for reimbursement of travel expenses must be itemized and attested to by the traveler and approved by the area supervisor. Area supervisors are primarily responsible for validating travel reimbursement claims. A Request for Check Form should NOT be submitted in place of a TEV.

The TEV will be reviewed for the following:

  • Is it signed by the traveler?
  • Is it signed by the traveler's supervisor with an original signature?
  • Is it signed by other required approvers, as needed?
  • Are all receipts attached?
  • Are the receipts original and paid?
  • Is a brief description of all miscellaneous items included?
  • Is there a valid requisition or blanket purchase order number listed?
  • Does it list the dates of travel, purpose of travel, and destination (including early and late departure times)?

Failure to provide all of the required information and supporting documentation will result in a delay of processing the TEV.


The most cost-effective means of travel should be utilized whenever possible. If the traveler chooses to drive instead of fly, a cost comparison with documentation showing the actual costs incurred and the estimated costs of flying must be attached to the Travel Expense Voucher (TEV). Upon review, reimbursement will be made based upon the most cost-effective travel method.

Air Travel

All air travel must be coordinated through the Travel Liaison. Costs will be billed directly to the university. If the following procedure is not followed, any expenses incurred may not be reimbursed.

  • Establish a travel itinerary.
  • Enter a requisition based on the cost identified on the travel itinerary.
    • List DINERS CLUB as the vendor.
    • Use object code 65102.
    • Include the dates of travel, destination, and name of traveler(s).
    • List appropriate approvers including the Travel Liaison.
    • Fax or submit the travel itinerary including requisition number to the Travel Liaison who will finalize the travel arrangements.

A Request for Check Form is NOT necessary for airline travel as payment is made monthly based on the Diners Club invoice.

Automotive Travel

For travel in an employee-owned vehicle:

  • Mileage allowance for reimbursement of business transportation expenses.  See Accounts Payable Travel Information.
  • Mileage figures should be rounded to the nearest whole mile.
  • Expenses related to auto travel, including tolls and parking, are allowable.
  • When more than one employee travels in the same vehicle, only the owner of the vehicle may request reimbursement.

The established mileage reimbursement rate represents full compensation for the costs of owning and operating a vehicle while conducting university business. Therefore, the traveler who elects to use a personal vehicle to travel on university business assumes total responsibility to adequately insure, safely operate, properly maintain, and protect the vehicle. Physical damage to or loss of a personal vehicle when used in the course of university business is not covered. Liability involving others, including passengers, is also not covered.

For travel in a rented automobile:

  • The traveler may be reimbursed for the actual cost of the rental plus any fuel charges.
  • Direct billing of rental vehicles is allowed.
  • Weekly rental rates are allowed if the cost is less than the total cost of daily rental rates.

For travel in a university-owned vehicle:

  • The vehicle must be reserved through the motor pool prior to use.
  • Motor pool expenses are charged directly to the employee's department.
  • Expenses for gasoline, oil, storage, and other vehicle necessities are allowed with proper receipts/documentation.
  • Charges for garaging university-owned vehicles at the primary worksite is allowed provided:
    • The university does not have available facilities
    • The garage is not owned by the employee or immediate family members.
    • The university is not charged the cost of the garage rental.
    • The storage is necessary and reasonable in amount.

University-issued credit cards (gas cards) may be used with participating vendors. Vendor charges to the gas cards are posted directly to the employee's department. All credit card receipts must be submitted to and maintained by the designated coordinator within the respective departments.

Vehicles owned by Lincoln University are state vehicles. State vehicles may be used only for official business, never for personal use. They may only be operated by a university employee who possesses a valid driver's license. No non-university individual (i.e. volunteer or employee family member) may operate nor be a passenger in a state vehicle unless on official university business.

Liability involving another person (personal or property damage) due to employee negligence while operating a state vehicle is covered by the state, provided the employee was operating the vehicle on official university business within the scope of his/her employment and had obtained all necessary approval through normal channels within the university. Personal property within a state vehicle is not insured for loss or damage.


Lodging expenses may be billed directly to Lincoln University through the approved requisition purchase order procedure:

  • Contact the hotel for accommodations and obtain a quoted price.
  • Enter a requisition in Datatel
    • Use object code 65200.
    • Include dates of travel, destination, and name of traveler(s).
  • Submit a Request for Check Form. After processing, Accounts Payable will forward the check to the Cashiers who will notify the requestor of its availability for pickup.

NOTE: Hotel checks will NOT be mailed by Accounts Payable. However, the requestor may mail the hotel check after it is picked up from the Cashiers.

If lodging charges are not billed directly to the university, the traveler must provide an itemized hotel receipt indicating payment was made by the traveler.

NOTE: Lincoln University is a tax-exempt entity. Therefore, any sales tax paid by the traveler to an in-state hotel is NOT reimbursable.


Reimbursement for meals is allowed for actual meals paid out-of-pocket by the traveler. Per diem rates cannot exceed that of the Government Services Administration. When the per diem rate is used, no meal receipts are required.

NOTE: No reimbursement will be made for meals that are provided as part of a conference registration fee.

NOTE: In instances where a traveler incurs breakfast or dinner charges after leaving or before returning to their primary worksite, it must be indicated on the Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) that an early departure (prior to 8:00 a.m.) or late arrival (after 6:00 p.m.) was required.

A traveler may pay for meals other than his/her own, when it is necessary and clearly to the benefit of the university. The receipt, the name(s) of the guest(s) and the rationale must be attached to the TEV for reimbursement. Reimbursement may NOT exceed per diem rates/per person.

Registration Fees

Pre-payment of conference registration fees, when required, may be made directly by the university.

  • Enter a requisition in Datatel
    • Use object code 67011.
    • Include the dates of travel, destination, and name of traveler(s).
  • Submit a Request for Check Form along with a copy of the completed registration form(s).

If payment is made by the traveler, an original paid receipt is required for reimbursement.

Unallowable Expenses

The following expenses are not allowed:

  • Expenses incurred while at an employee's residence.
  • Expenses incurred traveling to and from the employee's residence and the primary worksite.
  • Meal or lodging expenses incurred while in the city of the employee's primary worksite. Reimbursement may be made for a meal charge at the primary worksite IF it is incurred as part of a department or agency-required meeting AND has prior approval by the area supervisor as being for the benefit of the university and not the employee. The nature of the meeting must be indicated on the Travel Expense Voucher (TEV).
  • Expense incurred for the employee's sole benefit and not the benefit of the university. This includes:
    • Any type of insurance
    • Travel loan finance charges
    • Personal credit card charges
    • Valet services
    • Media charges
    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Extra meals
    • Room service
    • Newspapers and magazines
  • Items generally considered in excess of normal business needs, such as:
    • First class airfare
    • Resort hotels
    • Luxury restaurants
  • Expenses pertaining to private insurance. Employees should carry personal and vehicle insurance, including liability. The university is not liable for physical damage incurred to a private vehicle or to personal property while traveling. Likewise, the university is not liable for injury to passengers in a private vehicle.
  • Incidental expenses such as internet services, postage, metered parking, copying, and small emergency supplies unless necessary to the performance of official business. Paid receipts are required for reimbursement.
  • Travel expenses incurred by another university employee.
  • Travel expenses incurred by an employee's spouse or family members.

Travelers are NOT allowed lodging or meal expenses when it would be more economical and advantageous to the University for the traveler to return to the primary worksite or residence, unless extenuating circumstances occur, such as inability to travel due to inclement weather.

Travelers who incur any expenses outside those outlined above as allowable must provide a justification, along with receipts, on the TEV. Reimbursement for such items is subject to review and is not automatic.

Student Travel

[Print Version]

The following regulations must be followed for all undergraduate students, graduate students, and Lincoln University student organizations planning to travel on university business:

  • Students and student organizations must adhere to all travel policies of the university.
  • Students seeking approval of and funding for travel must meet the following criteria:
    • Currently enrolled in Lincoln University
    • Minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA
  • Car rental through the university or through a private company is allowed ONLY with an authorized Lincoln University employee as the designated driver.
  • Students may be issued a cash advance for meals not to exceed the applicable per diem rate. The amount of the advance will be determined by the appropriate approving authority.
  • Per diem meal rates apply only when meals are not provided as part of the conference or activity.
  • Students attending university-funded conferences remain under the university conduct system, must attend all required sessions, and are expected to behave in a polite and respectful manner.
  • Students attending university-funded conferences must dress appropriately for the conference environment or event, or at the advisor's discretion.
  • Students requesting university funding will have chaperone and transportation requirements evaluated according to each event by the appropriate approving authority.
  • The following will apply to student organizations requesting funding for travel:
    • Funding may be requested for conference registration, hotel accommodations, and transportation and/or mileage.

A university official MUST accompany any student organization requesting travel funding.

Cash Advances

[Print Version]

A cash advance is a check written to a traveler in advance of the trip. Cash advances are only allowed under the following conditions.

  • Intercollegiate team travel
  • Up to eighty percent of the cost of international travel
  • Student travel on university business

When utilizing a cash advance, the guidelines below should be followed:

  • The cash advance should be used for group meals and incidentals incurred during travel.
  • Except for students, travelers accepting a cash advance forfeit use of the per diem rates and must submit actual receipts. Students may receive a per diem as long as documentation regarding receipt of such is submitted to Accounts Payable upon return.
  • The workday immediately following the trip, all unused funds must be returned to the Cashiers.
  • An individual may have only one cash advance outstanding at any time.
  • A Travel Expense Voucher (TEV), along with original paid receipts and the cashiers receipt of unused funds, if applicable, must be submitted to Accounts Payable within five working days upon conclusion of the trip.

NOTE: If the appropriate documentation as defined above is not submitted in the time allotted, these funds will be deducted from the traveler's next payroll check.

To receive a Cash Advance:

  1. Create a requisition in Datatel
    • The description should include the dates and destination of travel.
    • Use object code 65500, regardless of the purpose of the cash advance.
  2. Submit a Request for Check Form to Accounts Payable along with a list of participating students. Accounts Payable will issue a check in the amount specified.
  3. Sign the Cash Advance Agreement when picking up the check from the Cashiers.
  4. Submit a Travel Expense Voucher (TEV), along with original paid receipts, to Accounts Payable upon return from travel. Accounting will reallocate costs to the appropriate object codes.


[Print Version]

Lincoln University requests that departments select vendors who accept purchase orders. However, if the vendor does not accept purchase orders and requires a prepayment, Purchasing must be notified and formal verification will be made. If it is verified that the vendor does not accept purchase orders, the following steps must be followed:

  • Submit a Request for Check Form to Accounts Payable along with an estimate of the total costs.
  • Pick up the check up from the Cashiers.
  • Take a copy of Lincoln University's tax-exempt letter to a vendor when making the purchase. The tax-exempt letter is available at Accounts Payable, the Cashiers, and the Office of the Controller.

NOTE: Failure to use the tax-exempt letter could result in state sales tax being charged on the purchase. This is NOT reimbursable by the university so the requester would be responsible for any sales taxes paid.

  • If there is any unused cash remaining from your purchase, return funds to the Cashiers within one working day. The Cashiers will provide you with a cashiers receipt.
  • Within one week from receipt of check, submit the original vendor receipts along with the cashiers receipt of unused cash from the Cashiers (if applicable) directly to the Accountant I-AP in Young Hall: Room 204.

NOTE: Do NOT leave these receipts with the cashier or place them in the Accounts Payable inbox.

2% Nonresident Entertainer Fees

[Print Version]

As mandated by Section 143.183 of Missouri State Statues, Lincoln University is required to deduct 2% from all payments made to nonresident entertainers providing entertainment at Lincoln University. This 2% fee is then submitted to the Missouri Department of Revenue by Accounts Payable.

Vendors will receive a MO-2ENT Form at the time of payment as verification of the deduction. For more information, please refer to the Missouri Department of Revenue's Frequently Asked Questions - Nonresident Entertainers web page at