Inter-Library Loan

Inter-Library Loan is a service offered by the Inman E. Page Library that allows its patrons to access the collections of other institutions.
This is acheived through a collaborative partnership with several organizations and agreements. The Library's participation in these programs provides additional beneftis to its patrons, increased access to materials that may be difficult to find, deversifies the Library's collection for a more inclusive representation of periodicals, books and media.
These partnerships include but are not limited to membership in the following library science organizations:
A consortium consisting of over 29 Million items servicing member institutions in Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa, Kansas, and Texas. Built with the purpose of sharing library materials, information, and services.
OCLC Worldcat
A worldwide enabling patrons to locate hard-to-find books, media, and journals to request through interlibrary loan. To fullfil requests using this service please make sure to collect the details of the material, it will be necessary to complete the Interlibrary Loan Form.
An extension of the Mobius catalog expanding the consortiums members to institutions in Colorado and Wyoming.
Frequently Asked Questions
Interlibrary Loan Service is available to all Lincoln University Faculty, Staff, and Students
Check the MOBIUS catalog for physical items, such as books, videos, etc. And submit your request
Materials may arrive within 10-14 days of order; however, some material may arrive within 7 days, more elusive materials may take an extended period to arrive.
There currently is no limit on the amount of requests that can be made.
The Inter-Library Loan service is typically free; as the service leverages member institutions that do not charge a fee for circulating their materials. However, there are some institutions that assess a fee for lending materials.
If the requested material is a photocopied reproduction of an original work, it may be kept indefinitely. If the requested material is not a photocopy, the lending time-frame is determined by the lending institution.
Library Staff will notify a patron of when items ordered through the ILL service have arrived, these items can be retrieved from the circulation desk in the Library.
Requests can be made for journal articles, books, dissertations, and various other types of research materials subject to availability not currently in the local Page Library collection. However, most partner institutions do not lend audio or video materials.
If material ordered through the ILL service is lost, damaged and or destroyed a fee will be assessed. The fee imposed is established by the lending institution. The fee will be placed on your record and lending privileges at The Inman E. Page Library will be suspended until the fine is paid.