Music Courses

Music Program Mission
The music program strives to enhance the lives of Lincoln University’s student population and the general population of Jefferson City by presenting student recitals and programs by band and choral ensembles in a variety of musical and cultural settings. These events are free and open to the public.
Music Courses
MUS 200 THE WORLD OF MUSIC (3, fa, sp, su). The study of music from around the world, including European classical music of selected eras. Selected readings and listening to live and recorded music are required. Designed for non-music majors. (Satisfies a humanities requirement of general education.) MOTR MUSC 100 or MUSC 102, transfer guaranteed.
MUS 203 FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC (1). A course for elementary education students presenting the rudiments of music, elementary ear training, tonal and rhythmic problems and terminology. MOTR MUSC 101, transfer guaranteed.
MUS 205 MUSIC OF BLACK AMERICANS (3, fa, sp, su). An historical and analytical survey (performance practices and compositional trends) of jazz, ragtime, sacred music (spirituals and gospel), secular folk songs, rhythm and blues, etc., emanating from the Black experience. (Satisfies a humanities requirement of general education.) MOTR MUSC 100J, transfer guaranteed.
Opportunities for the development of performance skills are provided through participation in musical organizations.
MUS 299B/ BAND, CHOIR, ORCHESTRA. (1 each). Required major ensemble 299C/ for freshman and sophomore instrumental, keyboard or vocal music 299OR majors (four consecutive semesters). May also be taken by non- majors. MOTR PERF 102B/102C/102O, transfer guaranteed.
MUS 299 VOCAL ENSEMBLE (1, fa, sp). Performance experience in jazz, popular, classical and gospel musical styles. Off-campus touring required. Three class meetings per week. Prerequisite: Permission of the department head and the ensemble director. May re-enroll for a maximum of 4 credits.
MUS 299J JAZZ ENSEMBLE (1 each). Performance experience in opera or jazz. May be taken by freshman and sophomore students with strong musical skills. May re-enroll for a maximum of 4 credits.
MUS 499B/499C OR 499 OR BAND, CHOIR, ORCHESTRA (1-2 each). Required experience for junior and senior instrumental, keyboard or vocal music majors (three consecutive semesters) (May also be taken by non-majors. May re-enroll for a maximum of 8 credits. Permission of the department head and ensemble director required to enroll for 2 credits.
MUS 499E JAZZ ENSEMBLE (1-2 each). Performance experience in opera or jazz. May be taken by junior and senior students with strong musical skills. May re-enroll for a maximum of 8 credits.
MUS 499 VOCAL ENSEMBLE (1-2). Performance experience in jazz, popular, classical and gospel musical styles. Off-campus touring required. Three class meetings per week. Prerequisite: Permission of the department head and the ensemble director. May re-enroll for a maximum of 8 credits.