Writing Center

We're in this together!
At Lincoln University of Missouri, we find power in together - where the people walking beside you, those who came before, and those leading the way are all here for your success. Please visit our Writing Center to find a tutor and build your skills.
Students from across campus are invited to get help with writing assignments for all classes, including history, biology and math, not just English.
Tutoring Services
At Lincoln, your education is within reach. We are here to help build the skills you need to complete your degree. Peer tutoring services is available for many 100-200 level courses. You can work with a peer tutor to review course content, discuss questions and receive hands-on writing skills. Our tutors are faculty recommended and have successfully completed many of the courses you may need help with.
To Make an Appointment:Walk-ins are always welcome while we are open. To make an appointment, email WritingCenter@LincolnU.edu or GrayJ2@LincolnU.edu.
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Online Hours
Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Peer Tutors
Our Writing Center provides students a chance to enhance their academic careers. We are dedicated to improving our Blue Tiger community with group work, one-on-one consultation and peer tutoring services. By working together with students' faculty and academic advisors, and with the Student Success Center, we provide the pathway to complete your degree with the skills you need.

Contact Us
Anna Perrigo
Director of the Writing Center
Assistant Professor of English
119 Martin Luther King
812 East Dunklin Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
E: WritingCenter@LincolnU.edu