Youth Development and 4-H - Central Missouri Program Page

The Innovative Learning Center

This program will also implement enhanced practices that will enrich positive outcomes and further align with research and evidence on effective YD programming and mentoring. The objective of this program is to provide direct one-on-one, group (up to, but not exceed 12 youth assigned to one area educator), peer engagement (age 15 or older), or a combination to underserved youth populations. Lincoln University Cooperative Extension Youth Development's aim is to continue existing programs enhanced for at-risk, high-risk, or underserved youth populations and to address factors that can lead to or serve as a catalyst for delinquency, underachievement or other problem behaviors in underserved youth.

Lincoln University Cooperative Extension Youth Development (YD) is designed to increase the number of students engaged in STEAM related (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Math) subjects via a diverse Extension program in Jefferson City, Missouri. It is intended to stimulate the growth of high-risk and underserved high school graduates pursuing career goals within STEAM-related career fields, furthering the competitive and community goals for Lincoln University, the state of Missouri and the United States. Furthermore, it is intended to support underserved and underrepresented youth between 8 through 18 years of age with academic and experiential learning opportunities that are culturally relevant and fundamental to academic success.  

Programming that engages youth will be offered at the Dorothy Pack Community Center throughout the school year. The deleterious effects of the lack of academic engagement during summer breaks will be counteracted through summer learning experiences designed to increase student proficiency and preparedness for college entry.

Throughout the academic year, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension Youth Development will host workshops and community service-learning projects. While focusing on childhood obesity avoidance and reduction, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension Youth Development (YD) programming will consist of learning objectives designed to increase skills and awareness in health education and obesity prevention subjects.  The center is also designed to develop and enhance leadership skills, aptitude for community involvement and healthy decision-making skills. 

Lincoln University's Four Pillars of Youth Development Programming

(Obesity Prevention, Academic Achievement, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership Development)

  • Leadership Academy – Summer Camp (Grades 11 and 12) Speak with Legislators on Issues that Promote Civic Engagement.
  • Bullying and School Violence
  • Local Youth City Councils
  • Suicide Prevention Program
  • LU 4H Club (Fall/Spring) Grades 10 through 12)
  • Fatherhood Initiative
  • M2EN Network
  • Young Medics Camp
  • Outdoor Rangers Camp
  • Sports Camp
  • Hip Hop and Literacy Camp
  • Gathering of Kings and Queens Camp
  • Project 14-Peer Crisis Intervention Program
  • AG Discovery Camp – Regional Summer Camp
  • AG Discovery Camp  Statewide Program
  • Social Cinema – Social Justice Advocacy Program
  • Girls Empowerment Zone
  • Lincoln University Q&A College and Career Readiness Forum
  • Sound Academy
  • Cultural Arts Camp – Paint
  • Music and Creative Arts Program
  • College and Career Readiness Program (Academic CPR)
  • College Tour
  • ACT/SAT Prep Program (Academic CPR)
  • LUCE Partnership with Community Colleges (Statewide)
  • Virtual Summer Camp Experience



General Required Information

Hours of Operation:

  • Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 pm
  • Saturday (hours to be announced at a later date)

Maximum Number of Participants: 50

Building Supervision:

  • Center Director – Dr. Adrian Hendricks II
  • Youth Development Staff – Callie Newsom
  • Youth Development Staff- Keverick Wilson

Dr. Adrian Hendricks II

Adrian Hendricks II, M.Ed., M.AR.
State Specialist - 4H and Youth Development
Cooperative Extension
304 Allen Hall
900 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Phone: (573) 681-5523
Fax: (573) 681-5546

Ms. Callie Newsom

Area Educator - Youth Development
Allen Hall
(573) 681-5525


Mr. Keverick Wilson

Area Educator-4H Youth Development
202 Allen Hall
(816) 372-7330