Weather Alert Due to inclement weather, in-person classes are canceled, and campus operations will be remote on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Learn more.

Communal Lounges and Study Rooms

Lounges and study rooms are provided and maintained for the mutual use and enjoyment of residents. Lounges and Study rooms may not be reserved without the permission of the resident director or Director of Residential Life. Events held specifically by residents must be approved by the resident director and these events must adhere to all rules and regulations. Neither money nor items of value may be exchanged or collected for participation of these events. The University reserved the right to shut down such events for any reason deemed necessary and at the discretion of the residential staff.

 Individuals responsible for causing damages in these areas and other areas of the residence halls will be assessed for repair or replacement charges. If specific individuals cannot be identified for damages, the University may choose to assess charges of all residents of the wing, floor, or building that would be deemed responsible.