Procedures for Students Requesting Services

Procedures for Students Requesting Services

Procedures for Students Requesting Services 

(Enlarged PDF)

All students admitted to Lincoln University who identify themselves to Disability Office will receive an  Accommodation Request Form.  Students with disabilities wishing to request special accommodations must submit the Accommodation request form, along with documentation, to the Coordinator for Access and Ability Services, as soon as possible. A Permission for Release of Information to Lincoln University Form may be acquired by the Coordinator to assist students in their acquisition of appropriate documentation. The following procedures usually take place upon receipt of documentation:

The Coordinator will verify the receipt of the accommodations and documentation.  In conference with student will verify the nature of the disability and how it might impair the student academics.  Letters of accommodations are generated for the student to submit to each Instructor.  Returning students are sent a email at the beginning of each semester of enrollment as a welcome and reminder of their role in securing and monitoring the receipt of appropriate accommodations.