Personal Safety
Lincoln University Police Department
In today's society, a growing threat exists in our homes, businesses and schools. Disgruntled employees, ex-spouses, sociopaths and hate mongers have infected our society to an alarming degree.
Although we have not seen incidents of the aberrant behavior at Lincoln University, some people may feel uncomfortable as they view these incidents occurring in other areas of the nation. This heightened awareness is especially true if we are working with persons that seem unduly upset over personnel actions, grades, job changes, etc.
If for any reason you should feel threatened, there are precautionary measures you may want to take. The following list is provided for your information and, in some cases, may assist you in avoiding an incident in your personal life.
Personal Safety Tips
- If you have been threatened or believe you are in some danger, REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY.
- Maintain documentation of events. Keep accurate notes of conversations, counseling sessions, and brief encounters that you find alarming.
- Avoid, if possible any adverse personnel actions without a witness present.
- Do not release your route to and from home and work.
- Alternate your route to and from home and work.
- If you are working late, inform Public Safety and lock your office door.
- Use the Police Department escort service when you are on campus late at night.

- Keep at least a half-tank of gas in your automobile at all times.
- In traffic, leave space in front of your car so you can maneuver away if you are threatened.
- If your car breaks down, turn your emergency flashers on, raise the hood and trunk, and sit inside your locked vehicle until help arrives. You may also tie a white flag to your antenna or purchase a "Please Send Help" sign from most retail stores.
- Park in a well-lit area, as close to the door as possible.
- If you are threatened, hold down the horn and drive away.
- If you think you are being followed by another car, drive to a populated area. If the car continues to follow, drive to the nearest place where you can get help.
- If someone follows you into your driveway, stay in your car with the doors locked until you can identify the driver.
- Insure that your home is properly secure. Make sure that the doors are locked and lights are on when leaving. The Police Department will perform a crime prevention survey of your home, if requested.
- If someone knocks at your door, find out who it is through a peephole or window BEFORE you ask.
- DO NOT open your door to strangers or allow anyone such as servicemen or sales representatives into your home without proper identification and verification. Call their home office if necessary.
- If someone pushes their way into your home, go to an area where you can get out, get help, or defend yourself.
- Don't enter your house if you notice the door or a window has been tampered with.
- Join a Neighborhood Watch Program. If you don't have one in your neighborhood, contact your local police department for more information on how to start one.
- Avoid walking by yourself at night.
- If someone suspicious is behind you, cross the street.
- After getting off a bus, or out of your car, make sure that you are not being followed.
- Avoid passing too close to shrubs, dark doorways and also avoid taking deserted short cuts.
- If someone in a car approaches and threatens you, scream and run in the opposite direction the car is travelling.
- Ask taxi drivers to wait until you are inside your house before pulling away.
- Be sure that you have your keys in hand to open your door.
- If you are leaving home for an extended period of time, let someone know where you are going, when you are leaving, your route, telephone number of your destination, and when you expect to return.
- Call home and check in periodically.
- If you plan to be gone for a long period of time, have someone pick up your mail and newspaper, or have them stopped until you return.
- Inform your police department that you will be gone, and have someone with access to your home listed with them in case of emergencies.
- Make sure that your home is well-lit, inside and out. Investing in a timer to turn your lights in may help this matter.