RG: College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technology and Cooperative Extension/Cooperative Research

College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technology and Cooperative Extension/Cooperative Research
The College of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technology and Cooperative Extension/Cooperative Research is comprised of the following four departments: 1) Department of Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, 2) Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Technology, 3) Cooperative Extension/Cooperative Research and 4) International Programs.
The Department of Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry and Physics contains the following programs: Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology, Environmental Science and Wildlife Management.
The Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Technology contains the following programs: Computer Science, Mathematics and Technology.
The Department of Cooperative Extension/Cooperative Research contains files for the extension schools and services including the Paula J. Carter Center.
The International Program contains files generated from this college about the International Program and students on campus. Please note that the International Student Organization files are organized under Record Group 10, Sub-Group 07 (LU: 10/7).
The Home Economics, or Home Management, program, which is no longer in existence, was once a part of this college. All files pertaining to the Home Economics Department not filed in the Vertical Files will be filed under RG 06.
Sub-Group 01 Annual Reports
Sub-Group 02 Dean Papers
Sub-Group 04 Subject Files
Collection #1:
Sub-Group 10 Department of Cooperative Extension/Cooperative Research
Collection #1: Farm Reports, 19xx-19xx.
Sub-Group 99 and above are for Faculty/Staff papers
99 Joseph Trigg Papers