Doing Business with Lincoln

Doing Business with Lincoln
How to do Business with Lincoln University
The Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of all equipment, services, materials, and supplies utilized by the University.
Policy Statement
Purchasing has the responsibility to conduct all negotiations concerning price and condition of sale for all purchases and anticipated purchases for the University. Individual departments or employees are not authorized to sign or enter into a contract with outside vendors.
Minority, Women-Owned, Small Business and Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Participation
We strive to give all businesses, including Minority, Woman, and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprises an equal opportunity to compete for contracting opportunities. For all contracts with Lincoln University, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) and Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SDVE) participation provisions apply. In order to qualify as a minority vendor, vendors must be certified as such through the State of Missouri. Search the directory
Percentage Goal
The bidder shall have as a goal: subcontracting not less than ten percent (10%) MBE and five percent (5%) WBE.
The bidder should attempt to include at least (15%) MBE and ten percent (10%) WBE as participation goals overall.
Lincoln University does not certify MBE/WBE businesses but utilizes the Minority/Woman Business Enterprise Directory on file with the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Additional information, clarifications, etc., may be obtained by calling the Office of Equal Opportunity at (573) 751-8130.
Additional information regarding Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (SDVE), may be obtained with the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) in Jefferson City, Missouri. Learn more.
Vendor visits to Purchasing
Sales representatives must make an appointment with the appropriate Purchsing personnel prior to a visit. Exceptions may be made when a vendor is calling for the first time.
Vendors are permitted to visit departments upon authorization from the Purchasing Department, vendors must recognize that such visits may be informational only. Departments are not authorized to enter into contracts or place purchase orders with outside vendors.
Vendor Selection
Selection of reputable and reliable vendors is the responsibility of Purchasing. Vendors who have not previously done business with Lincoln University are advised to contact Purchasing where they will be referred to the Buyer. Lincoln University endeavors to conduct its business in a fair and most equitable manner. Purchases will be made on the basis of quality, service, delivery, and price. New vendors are asked to complete a vendor registration application form from our records.
Purchase Orders
An official purchase order containing an authorized purchase order number is the only method of purchase for goods and services obligating Lincoln University funds. In the event of an emergency, Purchasing may place an order by telephone or fax, however, in all instances, a purchase order number must be assigned to be followed by confirming order.
The Bidding Process
Lincoln University conducts an open competitive bidding process. Depending on the dollar value of the order, this bidding process may take the form of:
Informal bids:
- Telephone
- Request for Quotation (RFQ)
- Catalog comparison
Formal bids
- Invitation for Bid (IFB)
- Request for Proposal (RFP)
Bids will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder meeting the required specifications. Other factors considered are:
- Quality of goods & services to be supplied
- Delivery
- Reliability
- Responsibility and experience
Vendors are cautioned when completing the bid/ proposal form. All instructions given in the bid/ proposal must be followed and the bid/ proposal must be returned to the Purchasing Department by the time specified on the bid document. Bids are opened at 2:00 p.m. on the date due and the bid opening is public. Late or improperly delivered bids/ proposals will not be considered.
Notice of solicitations can be obtained by contacting the Purchasing Department directly at 573-681-5418 Notices are also posted on the bid board which is located in Purchasing. Additionally, purchases over $100,000 are advertised in two (2) or more widely read newspapers in the State of Missouri.
Tax Status
Lincoln University, as an agency of the Sate of Missouri, is exempt from all sate and federal taxes. Each purchase order issued makes reference to the tax exempt status. An exemption certificate will be furnished upon request.