A Thanksgiving Message from Lincoln University's President
Office of Communications and Marketing
Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101

In this season of Thanksgiving, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is taking the time to reflect on the incredible journey of the last year. Together, we as a University have much for which we can be thankful, and it is with a spirit of gratitude that I send you this note of heartfelt appreciation for your dedication to Lincoln University.
This academic year so far has presented us with many reasons to celebrate both the shared and individual milestones that continue our progress forward. While challenges will always exist, our Lincoln University continues to thrive as a testament to the strength of our community. It’s increasingly evident that the heart of this University persists within the collective spirit of our students, faculty, staff and alumni.
Each day, a new journey begins as we invite and welcome students to our campus and into the Blue Tiger Family. Together, our dedicated faculty and staff collaborate to ensure students can thrive on our campus and beyond by creating a culture of learning, growth and success. I am so proud of the amazing things each of you do to help the University fulfill its mission and to assist our students in achieving their goals.
To our students, you are the essence of Lincoln University, and it is an honor to be part of your educational journey. Your dreams continue to extend the rich legacy of our University, and I am truly grateful you have chosen us to play such an important role in preparation for your future.
For our alumni, this institution is greater because of how you transmitted it to us. Your ongoing support serves to increase us from the Lincoln University you remember to an institution beyond our collective imagination. I thank you for your commitment to the growth and excellence of your alma mater.
As I stated earlier, I’m certain I am not the only one with a heart and mind filled with gratitude always, but especially at this time of year. We would love to hear what you are most thankful for in these moments. Please share what you are thankful for most about Lincoln University (click here to share).
During this season, however you celebrate, my wife Crystal and our daughter Jillian, and I extend our warmest wishes to you all. May your holidays be filled with joy, blessings, and moments of reflection on the positive impact we collectively create at Lincoln University.