New Mentorship Program Provides Guidance and Support for Lincoln University of Missouri School of Nursing Students
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New Mentorship Program Provides Guidance and Support for Lincoln University of Missouri School of Nursing Students
The Mid-Missouri Black Nurses Association and Lincoln University of Missouri (LU) have entered a formal agreement aimed at supporting the success of future nurses during a signing ceremony on Monday, March 20.
The Helen L. Monroe Mentorship Program will pair experienced nursing professionals with Lincoln University nursing students. LU School of Nursing Department Head Dr. Jennifer L. McCord stated, “The nurse mentor will advise, support and guide the LU School of Nursing student and nurture the professional development of the student mentee, as well as their social and psychological development.”
Nurse mentors will also assist student mentees to clarify their education and career goals. Students will utilize the knowledge and insight gained from their mentor's shared personal experiences to develop strategies that will help them achieve their established goals.
Mid-Missouri Black Nurses Association President Leana Mahaney told guests, “The mission of the Mid-Missouri Black Nurses Association is to provide a forum to foster unification among minority nurses of various age groups and educational levels to ensure collaboration that results in improvement in patient care, our community and our profession.”
The Helen L. Monroe Mentorship Program has established a foundation of benefits and goals, with the main objective of providing opportunities for nursing students. Students will also cultivate supportive relationships and foster collaborations with local nurse leaders. Other ambitions of the program include facilitating conversations among mentor-mentee relationships, as well as teaching leadership skills.
The Helen L. Monroe Mentorship Program was named in honor of the founder of the Lincoln University Nursing Program. The signing ceremony took place in Elliff Hall, where nursing classes take place on campus. “We're so glad to have the family of Ms. Helen Monroe with us here today. It's amazing to see the location that we chose for this,” President Moseley said, identifying the portrait of Helen L. Monroe in the entrance halls. “The picture of Ms. Monroe looks over what will be a continuation of her impact at Lincoln University for years to come.”
President Moseley added the new mentorship program comes as the University prepares to expand the School of Nursing into a state-of-the-art Health and Security Sciences Institute near its current location.
Jefferson City Mayor Carrie Tergin also made an appearance, telling guests, “On behalf of the City, I just want to offer our thanks to the Helen Monroe family and Lincoln University. Let’s keep this going into the future.”
For more information on the Helen L. Monroe Mentorship Program, please contact Dr. Jennifer McCord at