1.11 Presentations Before the Board

Policy is included in the Lincoln University Board of Curators Bylaws and Rules of Procedure — 1.55  Presentations Before the Board.

Any individual or group desiring to make a presentation before the Board of Curators may be placed on the agenda for a regular meeting if a written request to the Board through the Office of the President of the University is received at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting. The request shall include the name(s) of the individual or group making the request together with a summary of the presentation. It will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee of the Board of Curators to decide whether the request will be approved. If the request is approved, the President of the Board shall determine an appropriate amount of time to be allowed for the presentation and shall relay the decision to the initiator of the request.

A request by an individual or group to present a matter that should be handled by the University administration shall be denied.

Presentation request forms are available in the Office of the President of the University.