Insurance - What are my options?

health center
You may come to the Student Health Center for assistance.
You can stay on your parent's insurance plan until you are 26 years old.
You can try to get insurance through your job.
You can try to find your own insurance

A Quick Guide to Finding Your Own Insurance

Finding insurance can be a hard and confusing process.  Below is a quick guide of things to consider if you decide to find your own insurance rather than using the Lincoln University Student Health Plan. 

Some students search for public options through eHealth under "individual college student health plans." *

*This is not an affiliated partner with Lincoln University. 

Plan Type:

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) - A plan where you must choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP), and only pays for "In-Network" health care.  The plan does not pay for "Out-of -Network health care.

Preferred Provider Oraganization (PPO) - A plan where you may use any doctor or health care facility, but the plan pays more for "In-Network" health care.  The plan pays for "Out-of-Network" health care, but not as much.

("In-Network": A list of doctors, hospitals and clinics that the insurance plan will pay for.)

Deductible: The amount of money you pay before the insurance company will start paying (Look for less than $1,000)

Co-Insurance: The amount of money you have to pay on your total health bill after the insurance has paid (Look for anything less than 30%)

Office Visit: The amount of money you have to pay every time you go to see the doctor. (Look for less than $50)  *The Student Health Center is free for ALL students*

Prescription: The amount of money you pay every time you need medicine.  (Look for generic and name brand coverage) *The Student Health Center has some medicine for free*

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Contact Us

822 Lee Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101
P: 573-681-5476
F: 573-681-5877

Fall & Spring Semesters:

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

Summer Session:

Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 

In the event of an emergency, students may contact the Lincoln University Police Department at 573-681-5555 or visit an emergency room or urgent care center.