Faculty Listing Policy
University Relations
This policy and procedure advised how to display faculty names on the website.
University Relations
Please use the internal event submission form and due dates to be included in the "This Week at Lincoln" Monday newsletter to students, faculty and staff.
Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy
The policy outlines Lincoln University's commitment to providing reasonable adjustments and support for pregnant and parenting students to ensure they can continue their education without facing discrimination.
Primary Contact Listing
University Relations
Please refer to this policy and procedure regarding how to list primary contact information on the website.
Sexual Harassment, Sex Equity, and Gender Based Discrimination Processes & Procedures
Learn more about Lincoln University of Missouri's Sexual Harassment, Sex Equity, and Gender-Based Discrimination Processes & Procedures.
Statement - Notice of Non-Discrimination
Find the Lincoln University of Missouri notice of non-discrimination.
Title IX Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Based on Gender Policy
Rules and Regulations 5.26: Lincoln University prohibits sexual harassment and gender discrimination in all institutional programs, and any allegations will be addressed promptly through established guidelines, with retaliation for reporting or participating in investigations strictly prohibited.
Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy And Procedures
Rules and Regulations 5.26: Lincoln University prohibits sexual harassment and gender discrimination in all institutional programs, and any allegations will be addressed promptly through established guidelines, with retaliation for reporting or participating in investigations strictly prohibited.
University Campus Facilities
University Relations
Please see list of how to reference university locations.
University Seal Policy
University Relations
Learn more about the use and access of the University seal.
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